Using npm behind a corporate proxy

This blog post explains how to configure npm to work behind a corporate proxy.

2013-06-14 · 1 min · Wil Boayue

Ruby performance patches

There are several ruby performance patches, like the falcon patches, that may improve the performace of your application. I use rvm and was pleased to learn that rvm supports compiling ruby with several of these performance patches. Using rvm with the railsexpress patch, I saw a 20% reduction in the time required to run the test suite for a large rails project. Here is how you can install ruby with the railexpress patch using rvm....

2013-03-02 · 1 min · Wil Boayue

Setting Ubuntu time zone

You will eventually get tired of looking at UTC timestamps in your server log files. has a detailed guide for setting the time zone on your server and synchronizing it’s clock. Here are the commands I used to set my time zone and synchronize my clock on Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS. Set time zone sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata Synchronize clock sudo apt-get install ntp

2012-12-04 · 1 min · Wil Boayue

Wtf Javascript type coercion

I recently came across the site It highlights some idiosyncrasies of the Javascript language. It’s worth a look, you’ll get a deeper understanding of the Javascript language. This entry submitted by @diogobaeder held my attention. The solution was not immediately obvious to me so I did some digging. Once I found the correct type coercion rules the result were logical. var foo = [0]; console.log(foo == foo); // true console....

2012-07-17 · 1 min · Wil Boayue